Conditions of Membership

By joining Frequent Flyer Rewards you agree to these conditions:

  1. You are an Australian resident and at least 18 years old.
  2. You will provide Frequent Flyer Rewards and its partners Cint Australia Pty Ltd and Cint AB with personal information. This information will be collected and used in accordance with the National Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988. Any information provided to third parties will be reported in aggregate ensuring anonymity.
  3. You will be contacted by us, or our partners Cint Australia Pty Ltd and Cint AB or other third party research agencies located both in and outside Australia, to take part in paid market research surveys.
  4. We reserve the right to terminate membership where faudulent behaviour is likely to have occured. Such behaviour may include, but is not limited to, creating multiple accounts using fraudulent names and email address. In such instances, all Frequent Flyer Reward Points awarded to the member will be cancelled.